Exploration Examples

It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with as many 'good' past explorations as possible. This will allow you to guage what makes a good internal assessment piece in mathematics, see the stucture and also might act as a stimulus and give you a good idea. The following page includes some of my favourite explorations that students have done over the last several years. They all scored well (at least 15 marks out of 20). More than anything though, they represent good ideas for explorations. These are applicable for any Analysis and Approaches student given the mathematics topics that you will cover during the course. You will find more advice on other pages about how to choose a topic (see my top tips). When I work with students to help them choose their idea, one of the first things that we consider is the mathematics that will be included. All of these explorations have mathematical content that is at the right level. The explorations have been grouped in terms of explorations done by SL students and others done by HL students. I would recommend HL students to look at both sets. Some of the mathematical content in the HL explorations is a little difficult for an SL student, although some are still worth a look.

SL Examples

HL Examples