For Teachers

On this page you will find helpful resources that you, as an IB Maths AI teacher, can guide either students or parents towards. 

Let us know if anything else might be helpful for you!

Letter to Parents

Here is a template for a letter that you could send to parents, if you think it would be useful for students to buy a subscription for this site. 

Dear parents, 

We are writing to draw you attention to a resource that we think would be really useful for your child to purchase. is a site explicitly for students of the Maths Applications & Interpetation SL (standard level) course and includes....

  • 200+ Teaching videos covering the key concepts on the syllabus.
  • 200+ Slides with visual explanations and examples.
  • Hundreds of onscreen practice questions with feedback on each topic
  • questionbank with 1700+ questions with answers and explanations where you can choose a set to practice on by number of questions, topic, subtopic and difficulty level.
  • Revision cards
  • 100+ original exam style questions with video solutions
  • Regular updates with more videos and questions going up every month.

And more.....

Alongside the site is also an app that can be downloaded - it is called 'Inthinking Revision App'. where the multiple choice questions can all be found - so students can revise on the go on the phones. 

The pricing for this site is very reasonable. One month's full access is only 12 euros, and a full year is just 54 euros. Especially when comparing this to the cost of a tutor, we think this is a worthwhile investment that could make a real difference to your child's understanding and results.