IA marking tutorial 3

Virtual IA marking tutorial

Holistic Judgement

OK, it's not just good it's excellent and will be pretty easy to mark. There are a lot of detailed calculations and we need to be sure that they have been done correctly. Working via Google classroom I had the benefit of seeing the report at all stages of development, this meant I could check the calculations as they were done. There were some mistakes on the way but I picked them up and we had a conversation about them. This meant that by the final draft I was fairly confident that the student had processed the data correctly. I doubt that a moderator will check all the calculations especially if you leave the note that you have checked them.

What makes this so good?

What I particularly like about this one is that, starting from a simple idea she applied basic physics and made reasonable assumptions to derive a plausible hypothesis then designed and performed a simple experiment. Based on the results of the experiment she returned to her assumptions and determined how they affect her results and adapted her theory and method in an attempt to make the theory fit the data. In a fairy tale ending she realised that there was something strange happening and looked at the sensors, this solved the problem and everyone lived happily there after. The perfect ending. I don't think I could write a better report.

I don't think we need to go through the stages of marking this one step by step but we do need to make sure it fits the criteria. The question isn't what score does it get it's more like is it worth 24?

Before you look at my comments you can try quickly filling in the grid.

Marking grid