Mathematical Models

Please find links to key chapters from this area of the course below.

  • Linear Models

    Commonly seen in the form y = f(x) = mx + c where m represents the gradient/rate of change of the function and c is the y-intercept, where x = 0. These models are a fundamental bit of algebra that come up again and again. they are also fairly...

  • Quadratic Models

    Quadratic functions are in the form ax2 + bx + c, and have fascinated mathematicians for centuries. They have some fundamental properties that will explored in this unit. Probably the best known example of quadratic models are for projectiles....

  • Exponential Models

    The exponential function is set apart from other families of functions because of the fundamental impact of having the variable in the exponent. It stops being a multiplier and starts being more 'powerful' (forgive the bad joke). These functions...