
The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where you need to improve.
Finn Tlatlik, Söderportgymnasiet (Sweden)
StudyIB chemistry is an amazing resource. I like that it is condensed but also informative; I much prefer it to the textbooks! I only used StudyIB notes for my mocks and am also planning on using it for my final exams. I really recommend it!
KAILIN (United Kingdom)
StudyIB is life changing! The best resource out there. StudyIB should, and will, be a staple in every IB chemist's revision!
SAM (Italy)
Thanks for this great initiative. I like how the site is broken down and explained in different assessment areas.
Chiranjeet Bhattacharyya, UWC Maastricht (Netherlands)
The best resource for IB students!
Lena Marks, The American School of Doha (Qatar)
The Inthinking Biology website is very helpful in providing not only notes and diagrams to explain all the concepts, but also provides additional tests and Quizlets to strengthen your learning. I definitely recommend!
Elizabeth Rouha, International School of Prague (Czech Republic)