
I love this site, it is so helpful in making sure the content is both comprehensive but easily understandable.
Falak Rafi, Mount Vernon High School (USA)
StudyIB chemistry is an amazing resource. I like that it is condensed but also informative; I much prefer it to the textbooks! I only used StudyIB notes for my mocks and am also planning on using it for my final exams. I really recommend it!
KAILIN (United Kingdom)
This site has helped me improve in Physics as to take the exam. The best part is that it takes you through each step of the problems and gives you worked answers in a way you learn from your mistakes, instead of being left in the dark. It helps a lot for studying.
Ana Rosa Aguilar, United World College Red Cross Nordic (Norway)
The Maths AA HL course on Inthinking Revision has been of tremendous help to me, especially with the way each section is structured, usually consisting of videos and revision notes, followed by quizzes to practice your skills before jumping into exam-style questions, which are arranged in ascending...
Thu An Hoang, British International School Hanoi (Vietnam)
It is life saving... I am passing IB because of this site!
Dihini Pilimatalawwe, King George V School (Hong Kong)
I found your website really helpful and I enjoyed using it.
Manya Anand, Saint John’s International School, Waterloo (Belgium)