
The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where you need to improve.
Finn Tlatlik, Söderportgymnasiet (Sweden)
Very useful for revision before tests. The sample questions are an effective practice.
Irina Levkovets, Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet (Sweden)
The best resource for IB students!
Lena Marks, The American School of Doha (Qatar)
This site has helped me improve in Physics as to take the exam. The best part is that it takes you through each step of the problems and gives you worked answers in a way you learn from your mistakes, instead of being left in the dark. It helps a lot for studying.
Ana Rosa Aguilar, United World College Red Cross Nordic (Norway) helped me see IB Physics in a completely different way that really helped me prepare for the exam.
Shea Berman, Miami Beach Senior High School (USA)
I just really love Biology and this site is amazing for me as it is so clear and easy to understand!
Ciaran, IS Toulouse (France)