
Thanks for this great initiative. I like how the site is broken down and explained in different assessment areas.
Chiranjeet Bhattacharyya, UWC Maastricht (Netherlands)
Inthinking Revision is a very helpful website for IB students. I highly recommend it for review and teaching classes. 10/10. Amazing job StudyIB creators!
Alexis Washington, Humble High School (USA)
This is genuinely the holy grail of IB chemistry resources. IB is very stressful and keeping on top of your content and revision is difficult. This website has amazingly clear explanations for all syllabus points, it's so good that I haven't use my actual notes for revision. The multiple-choice question...
OLIVE (United Kingdom)
I just really love Biology and this site is amazing for me as it is so clear and easy to understand!
Ciaran, IS Toulouse (France)
The website has been working great! Enjoying the quizzes and guides, couldn't be more thankful for such a resource.
Tommy Lee, Suzhou Singapore International School (China)
Inthinking Revision has enormously helped me in my understanding of math. I started revising Mathematics AA SL two months prior to the exam, and during that time I barely understood the purpose of functions, trigonometry, and calculus, which was highly needed for me since I’ll be doing an interdisciplinary...
Uma Nea Zaimovic, Druga Gimnazija Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina)