Individual Oral - it's that time again

Articulating Global Issues

It's that time again. For some of us, at least. I'm prepared to bet that someone, somewhere, Northern or Southern Hemisphere, some of you are gearing up for your Individual Orals. Or just starting the process. Or identifying the works, bodies of work and extracts you need to use.

Or, you're just trying to nail down that oh-so-tricky global issue. If the last one is you, don't miss the series of videos on how to create an effective global issue - the first one of these is published today in Individual Oral - Establishing a Global Issue

Once you've got your global issue and the extract in hand, there's plenty more advice and guidance in Individual Oral, including ideas on how to structure the oral (Individual Oral - Structure Ideas) and, of course, Individual Oral - Student Samples.

Good luck out there!