Preparación para el oral individual

Many of you must be preparing your oral examination (IA). There is plenty of resources, exam tips, strategies, and guidance in this revision site for you to consolidate and practise your speaking. All materials are available in both levels. Check it out!

How to improve your speaking skills

Standard level


The 4 steps to effective speaking

You will learn all about the 4 steps to effective speaking and you will have the opportunity to practise each of them to consolidate and improve your speaking in Spanish. Custom caption  Si prefieres, tienes el vídeo con la explicación en inglés.


Higher level


The 4 steps to effective speaking

You will learn all about the 4 steps to effective speaking and you will have the opportunity to practise each of them to consolidate and improve your speaking in Spanish.  Si prefieres, tienes el vídeo con la explicación en inglés. 

How to practise your speaking

Standard level


Speaking practice (SL)

You will have the opportunity to consolidate your speaking skills through extensive practice. Remember, practice makes perfect!  

Higher level


Speaking practice (HL)

You will have the opportunity to consolidate your speaking skills through extensive practice. Remember, practice makes perfect!  

You can also check  Exam tips out!

Just before the exam...

1. Intenta tranquilizarte. Para ello, respira varias veces profundamente.

2. Habla contigo: Has estudiado, estás bien preparado, has practicado el oral, ahora date ánimos, piensa en positIvo, puedes hacerlo bien.

3. Concéntrate en el examen, nada más.

4. No pasa nada si algo va mal. Responde con naturalidad e intenta que tus respuestas sean largas.