
Los conectores del discurso, usually called discourse markers or linking words, are words or expressions that support logical textual relationships between different parts of a text (written or oral). These discourse markers help you to better understand ideas and make the information you want to convey more understandable. They are key to text handling and text organisation


Funciones comunicativas

Tenemos una sección completa donde encontrarás estos conectores dentro de las distintas funciones.

Por ejemplo:

Dentro de la función   Expresar opinión y valoración , encuentras conectores como:

En mi opinión,

Desde mi punto de vista,

A mi modo de ver, etc.


Communicative functions

We have included ten different communicative functions that will help you to express yourself better when writing or speaking. Studying and revising these formulas will actually help you with your fluency and effectiveness. Remember practice...

Quick tip!

¡Hasta la próxima semana!