Repaso constante

Effective revision is not something that can be rushed. The earlier you start and the more organised you are, the greater your chance of success. You’ll be less likely to encounter stress or have to do last-minute cramming. Try to have a routine with your revision where you aim to start and finish at roughly the same time each day. To be able to handle Spanish, you will need to make a plan and find a method that works for you, but setting up a regular study routine  is an absolute priority!

¿Dónde comienzo?

Hay muchas secciones en la página que te van a ayudar, no dejes de consultar:


Test yourself

In this section: You find everything you need for successful practice and revision: from effective leaning approaches and all skills practice to mock exams. Both quantity and quality of revision makes a difference and, of course, effective practice...

También, es muy importante que utilices los ejercicios del Question bank y las tarjetas de repaso (Flashcards).


The Question bank & Flashcards

Exposure, practice, revision & consolidation are keys to language learning. The Question bank and the Flashcards are two great assets of our website that will make self-study and self-learning effective for you and your goals.  Don't miss...

Quick tip!

¡Hasta la próxima semana!